We got a lawn mower! A Scotts Classic Push Reel Lawn Mower. Uses no gas, no electricity. Produces no fumes, no noise. It burns calories, builds muscle. All in all a great lawn mower!
After Ryan put it together he tried it out on our front yard.

After he had mowed what he could of the front yard (we’ll need to remove some branches to mow the whole thing), I started in on our side yard. The ground is very uneven and the grass very thick so it took a lot of pushing. I got most of the side yard done before dinner was ready and it was time to quit. It might be a little bit harder to use than a gas or electric mower but the benefit of it’s lack of sound pollution makes it so worth it! It was good exercise and I actually found it very peaceful, but boy are my arms sore today!

Still have a lot more lawn to mow but the weather has turned rainy so it will have to wait. Hopefully by the next sunny day my sore arms will have recovered and I can mow the back yard.