YinYang The garden is coming along nicely. There’s a bunch of lettuce, carrots, radishes, broccoli, potatoes, and onions growing. The kale got ate by slugs and the spinach is bolting already. The garlic seems to be doing well. There’s lots of strawberries on the strawberries in the Earthboxes.
Corn bed Today I planted corn. First I dug a bed which meant digging out lots of rocks. There was a huge boulder not too far down that I left. No way I was pulling that out! I also planted three types of tomatoes, pumpkins and a couple type of zucchini. Plus some more onions. It seems like it’s late in the year to be planting those, so we’ll see how they do. I also planted a couple rose bushes that had been given to us as gifts.
Corn BreadWhile I was working on all of that I had corn bread cooking in the sun oven. Kate took pictures with her camera of the finished product, so maybe she’ll post those. It came out real good. Took longer than in the oven, of course, but no electricity needed and no worries about burning it. I just took it out when I was finished with everything else.
ChickensSometimes I may want to get more done, but it feels good to have our own place. It wasn’t that long ago when we didn’t believe we could end up in our own place and we dreamed about planting gardens and having animals. Speaking of which, the chickens are doing well.