Woolly Dragon Farm: A Steampunk Homestead
Garlic: Better Late Than Never?
Yesterday I went out and planted garlic in three of our Earthboxes. Last year I planted two types of garlic out in a patch of earth that I double-dug. It was a lot of work and I discovered too that our ground needs much more organic material. It’s rocky and hard. One type of garlic…
No More Snow
I didn’t mention in the post below — the snow is all gone. It warmed up, rained a little and other than a few tiny pockets, the snow is all gone.
Tree Down
Boy, we’ve been bad about posting to this blog! That’s what happens sometimes, I guess. What’s been going on around the homestead? Not a whole lot. General maintenance around the house mostly. The garden didn’t really do all that great this year. The ground needs a lot of work. Still, we got some things out…
Summer Wrap-Up
Leaves are changing. I’m seeing Fall colors appearing on trees and the nights are getting cooler. This morning a light rain is falling. August has been a dry month with only 0.13 in of rain this month. Average rainfall is just over an inch so things are pretty dry. We’ve been on our homestead for…
Photo Updates
We are so bad about posting! We’ve had a lot of sunshine the last two weeks. Too much! It got to be way too hot for a couple of days. Thankfully it has cooled down somewhat so today we were able to get things done outside. By we I mean Ryan, lol, I just took…
Planting, Corn Bread & Chickens
The garden is coming along nicely. There’s a bunch of lettuce, carrots, radishes, broccoli, potatoes, and onions growing. The kale got ate by slugs and the spinach is bolting already. The garlic seems to be doing well. There’s lots of strawberries on the strawberries in the Earthboxes. Today I planted corn. First I dug a…
We bought chickens on the 7th and set them up in a temporary box. But chickens grow fast. The cardboard box (originally from our lawn mower) would not be sufficient for eight growing chicks. We had to get something else built. I’d already fixed up the old shed/chicken coop, including a fenced off run, but…
Love that sunshine!
Saturday was nice and sunny, I really wanted to get some work done but I wasn’t sure how much I could do with Xander on the loose. He loves being able to explore so I didn’t want to confine him to the playpen (plus I can only be right around the house if he’s in…
Mow, mow, mow the lawn.
We got a lawn mower! A Scotts Classic Push Reel Lawn Mower. Uses no gas, no electricity. Produces no fumes, no noise. It burns calories, builds muscle. All in all a great lawn mower! After Ryan put it together he tried it out on our front yard. After he had mowed what he could of…
Got any book recommendations?